Monday, January 21, 2008

Tiger Corpse Oh of Course

Embrace the Insanity cause you know you’re a fan of me, stupid cant handle me, beyond lucid, this is gonna get crazy stupid! But just a tap on that, that’s a whole other rap, back to topic, back on the horse cause we fell off it, Now with this ryhm you best watch it, this shits hot so I gotta drop it!

Tiger corpse:

A tiger fought and elephant, why? For the hell of it, eat mostly for the smell of it, and that applys to everything, even feline,
Well a pacaderm attacks first, and never forget, that a feline is a cat, old tiger he hit back, hard and fast,
Pounding the pussy cat
Pounding the pussy cat
On the ribs, the pacaderm is, a solitary man,
Kneel down and kiss the cat! Merkin for a hat, kiss the cat, bike snob taught me that, and a bike needs a brake, break did the tigers skull,
He was a pussy after all, how could he win, he was such a big pussy,

Well now hunt will the dog named mud, for the cat, clay cool grey, in color, the crow who grew old, at least should be, could be just me, and I , because we hate my,
Second question, make the conection? That’s the third.
Cat stalked the grey bird, as mud named dog snuck up on her, for a second, look at that scene, before it rots like the corpse of the big pussy cat. The smell of a pussy like that will bring buzzards,
A buzz buzz,
Vibrator does a good job, ta get the juice, lose in your muscles,
I’m coming in, nice and wet, the towel will be, that catches the seeds, that come from roster, feed it to her,
I do
The girl that did that
Did that
I do
I said

Holycow, wow! Know that was intense, an excessive about of word, word play, ta create a dirty picture, for a dirty mind, I write, you find, so who’s got the dirtier mind?
Cog, on letter better N the dirty named dog,

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